• Registration

    In order to participate in Athletics at ASRSD, it is required that all students are registered on ArbiterSports. ArbiterSports is an online platform that allows the athletic office to maintain rosters and health records and credit families for user fee payments. No student is allowed to participate in a tryout, practice, or game without complete registration.

    Registration for spring sports is open at ArbietrSports!


    Under Mass. law, every student must have a physical on file with the nurse in order to participate. Physicals expire 13 months from the day they occurred (ie. a physical conducted on July 19, 2022, expires on August 19, 2022). Students cannot participate without a current physical under any circumstances. If you are not 100% positive you have one on file or uploaded on FamilyID, please either upload it or share it via email with Steve Kendall (skendall@asrsd.org) AND your school nurse. If you do not have a current physical, CVS Minute Clinics and most urgent cares will do a sports physical for you.  

    User Fees

    User fees must be paid PRIOR TO TRYOUTS for all sports with the exception of MS basketball.
    High school sports: $250 per participant
    Middle school sports: $150 per participant
    A family cap of $750 per year

    Should you get cut, you will be reimbursed upon request. Once the regular season games start, user fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.


    Parents/Guardians need to provide transportation to/from all home events and to the school for buses to road events. Hockey and swimming are responsible for all transportation on their own. We are also at the mercy of bus driver shortage so there may be times when parents are asked to transport students.